The above is a screen capture from the new TV Show Pan Am, S01E02. For 1963 the price for a onion-less, chili-less, cheese-less burger costs somewhere between $10 to $40 in today's currency, according to Measuring Worth. It seems a little high.
When you run the numbers it starts looking very attractive.
Meyer Lansky
The point of historical fiction is too insinuate a fictional character in to real events. Or in this case fictionalized conservation about getting into the drug business by two people who were involved in narcotics after the end of prohibition.
Here is a music video inspired by the TV series Dexter. What I find interesting is that it depicts all of Dexter's "ritual". In this context "ritual" is a criminology term to describe way a common pattern that a murderer may show, (here for more details on ritual murder). I was looking for the teaser for the upcoming season and happened upon this and a lot less well crafted pieces of fan art. I like Dexter but some of the other fans have produced "art" that only functions as mental health diagnoses.