who howled on their knees in the subway and were dragged off the roof waving genitals and manuscripts,
Allen Ginsburg
Don't we all want to wave our written words and genitalia to the world.
who howled on their knees in the subway and were dragged off the roof waving genitals and manuscripts,
Local politics also plays a role in this "natural" disaster. San Diegans have failed to learn the lessons from the terrible firestorms that ravaged the county in October 2003. At the time, San Diego had no unified county fire department. The city, the county, and outside agencies failed to work in concert. The city had a small fleet of antiquated fire engines, no firefighting helicopters, and not enough money for radios, batteries and emergency fire shelters for its firefighters. At the time, the city, arguably the most fire-prone major city in the United States, ranked 40th in the nation in firefighters per capita.
And "New Ireland" is a tiny, rural island full of cannibals.
No change there then
Funny how that voice in the heads of Muslims never seem to tell them to clean the parks, help the poor, look after the orphans, get off welfare, stop forcing your wife to wear the bedsheet in public, buy breath mints, stop blaming evrything on other people, speak up about the Jihad that smears Islams image of Peace, treat females like actual equal Humans .
BUT NO , Allah keeps telling them to Murder, steal, whine, sue, behead, attack, plot agianst(sic) people, use welfare to breed like flies for more Jihad-Johnny's, bomb Public Transit, kill children, kill little girls going to school, Kill Kill Kill Kill.
Can you see a pattern here folks?
The voice in my head tells to to lose weight, pay your bills, be polite, help neighbours, pick up trash, help the elderly, help tourists, help immigrants adapt, donate to charity, give away my old PC , fix PC's for free or almost nothing, pay fair price for Yardsale items, and don't act as if my SH*T don't smell like everyone elses does.
Buy hey, maybe Allah is so deep and loving that I just can't comprehend why murdering people to show you're a Peaceful God is the correct way to love someone.
There are many psychotic people who hear 'voices'. Some of them hear the 'voice of God'. When God says 'strike that man down, it is time to strike that man down. With psychotics , there is a lack of critical reasoning. It may be that 'God' told this individual to drop his pants in public, or throw his dinner plate. The psychotic never question why 'God' would tell them to do something so stupid, or meaningless.
At least in the Islam, when Allah says to 'drop your pants', you can understand why. The voice of Allah comming either as a hallucination, or through the Quran, another hallucination, makes the motivations clear. With the psychotic infidel, the motivations are not so clear. So what Islam really is, is a structure provided to hallucinating muslims, who desire to 'drop their pants' in a pure and holy way.
So for the sake of purity, it is important to follow Allahs insructions, killing people, or 'dropping your pants' in public, is acceptable as long as you have Allah on your mind when you do it...