It's my guess that an attractive man who man makes pies for a living shouldn't even spend a short amount of time in prison.
Emerson Cod in Pushing Daisies S01E08
Suppose a drummer boy, age 14, became a soldier in 1861 and was disabled in that war. Suppose also that he married, had children, his wife died, and he remarried late in late, at say age 60 in 1907. Suppose further that his second wife was 25 years old at marriage and that at age 30 she bore him a child who was mentally or physically incapable of supporting himself. That child would be 57 years old today [that is, in 1969] and still drawing benefits — more than a century after the war ended.
Sounds unlikely, right? Yet Clayton nonetheless found that 1,353 dependents of Civil War veterans were still getting government benefits as late as 1967.
" what is the best way to recycle old tech in the US?""
Give it to a pack rat. They'll pile it up with their other...treasures. Soon you'll read about the guy who couldn't get out of his house because the doors and windows were blocked.
"Please take us to Fifth Avenue so we can purchase some of your quaint native costumes."
Nobody seems to like to the guy.