Monday, November 29, 2010
Problems with Paras
I remember my buddy who's actually does a lot of jump training with foreign crews who are qualifying for certain missions saying that it's gotten to the point where the USAF, USMC, and US Army actually have mathematical calculations they can run before each drop in order to figure out a rough estimate of how many people will be injured.
Apparently mountains are...rough on the math.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Report From the Ancient Internet
It seems to me the Internet is in a very crude stage.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Scary Words from a Vet
but you don't feel it
at the time
you want to live
And you want them to die
recounting his experiences on Kokoda Trail
Kokoda: Invasion
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
You Are Richer Than You Think
Link given by the_lyniezian on thread Frivolous ASB Ideas Thread.
Boardwalk Empire Economy 1920: New Dress
Mademoiselle's taste is excellent.
How much is it?
in 2009 the relative worth of $480.00 from 1920 is:
$5,140.00 | using the Consumer Price Index | |
$4,100.00 | using the GDP deflator | |
$12,000.00 | using the value of consumer bundle | |
$17,600.00 | using the unskilled wage | |
$23,300.00 | using the Production Worker Compensation | |
$26,800.00 | using the nominal GDP per capita | |
$77,400.00 | using the relative share of GDP |
New Posts on the Relative Values in Boardwalk Empire and hopefully other shows as well
For relative values I will quote the number in show and give the relative values as provided/calculated from the Measuring Worth.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Politics is Sometimes More Important Than Dying
to Treasure Nucky Thompson
putting politics above mortality or family
in Boardwalk Empire S01E0 9
Churchill Pwns Hitler
This could also be
Amateur artist beats failed art student
Battalion commander beats corporal
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Dark Tormented Cops
Reporting from London — Channel-surf almost any night of the week in Britain and chances are you'll come across a gruesome crime drama featuring a dark and tortured soul whose brutal, morally repellent deeds make you recoil in horror.
And that's just the detective.
To this I would also add Judge Dredd, a combination cop, judge, jury and executioner tracking down perps for such crimes as littering, jay walking, theft and murder. Dystopic policing for a distopic world.
Television Archeology
There have been other instances of sets being abandoned in the middle of nowhere. This allows for the possibility for confusing future archeologists. Bits and pieces of movies sets would confuse chronologies and culture references. The more piecemeal future knowledge is the more seriously these sets would be trusted.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Transdimensional Portals and Aussie Beer
This is a beer equivalent of Being John Malkovich
Friday, November 12, 2010
Our Valued Customers: The worst thing about any business
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Matrix Effect
Wired 2009/09/11 article "Geeky Friday
There is also an old saying that you should never examine too closely how sausages or laws are made. At the end of The Matrix, Neo can only see perceive the programming but not the our constructed reality. Media training is good but it also robs you of the pleasure of pure consumerism / fandom.
The Financial Industry Lives Off the Stupid
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The Least Scary Scene in Dexter
being confronted with Harrison's nanny Catholicism,
Dexter S05e05
Monday, November 08, 2010
One Magic Minivan
The Hierarchy of Viewers
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Where Polar Bears Come Fromm
This short flash animation, Drunk Science, explains where polar bears come from.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
The Expendables - semi-live blogging
first action sequence
saving prisoners from the scum of Somalia
I got 30 minutes into the film and I couldn't watch anymore. Goddamn you Stallone, destroyer of films.
Changing Definitions of Young & Middle Aged
Friday, November 05, 2010
Is a Universe Without Rambo That Bleak
Yup, the future would be a bleak, dark world without Rambo.But a world without chicken hawks like Sylvester Stallone, George W Bush, Tom Clancy and other sleazy cowards would be a more positive place. For more details and to nominate go to NH Gazette's Chickenhawk Hall of Shame.
The Vacancy Rate by Building and Floor on Bay St
This is with our economic system however at other times and places property developers have less constraints placed on them. According Simon Johnson the 3rd world suffers from "financial oligarchy". Only the connected in these societiesget funding/credit. The result is an orgy of overbuilding that exaggerates the boom/bust cycle in commercial real estate as building are built on spec, see Dubai, Texas in the '80s, The SE Asia crash in the '90s.
Years ago I got into an empty, never being occupied, floor at the south end of Eaton's Centre. It was eerie, an eerie aerie, with only the sound of the Peruvian flutes coming from the street below.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Breaking into the Board Game Market and the Reluctance to Learn New Rules
That being said there are the hard core gamers might spend more time and money. However there are many people who play games, family games, party games. In the The Globe & Mail's ROB article about a company trying to break into the board game market, How Spin Master learned to play with the giants, there is this explanation of this phenomenon.
“Consumers feel comfortable when they know the rules from a game of the past[and] don’t have to read the rule book.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Trivia Question #1
What are the only 4 countries in the world with more than 2 timezones? And for bonus points can you name which of these four:
- Is in a different hemisphere? - Australia, in the Southern Hemisphere
- Has a different official language? - Russia, Russian
- Was not attacked in WWII? - Canada
- Was not a monarchy in August 1914? - USA
Geography Trivia #3
(Scroll down and highlight to see
Globe & Mail Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2010,
Saskatchewan goes fishing in Calgary’s labour pool
"...Calgary, which is brimming with Saskatchewan Ć©migrĆ©s – as many as 250,000, according to some estimates. If that number is even remotely accurate, greater Calgary would rival Regina (population 200,000) and Saskatoon (250,000) as a home for Saskatchewanians."
Star Wars in 8Bit
This ad is part of a campaign for a Russian movie theatre chain. The use of 8Bit graphics is supposed to make movie fans of a certain think that every thing is improved and technology makes movies better. I thinks the ads are counterproductive. It will make people nostalgic about the great games and great movies in years past. Today there is real crap that is much more technically sophisticated than the kind of fun stuff that entertained us in the past.
This ad depicts a scene from 8Bit Star Wars. I would watch an 8Bit Star Wars. When George Lucas made the secound trilogy, or first inn the timeline, he focusedn more on the movie technology than the actual movie. What distracts filmmakers with a wealth of new technology is the fixation on The medium is the message but sometiimes the message is the message.
(from Ads of the World) <>