Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cult Blogs

I was fiddling around with some options for my log when I'm was given an option to use the Weblog feature. This is a service which provides a central list of blogs and their update times. So I look down the list of recently updated blogs, recently updated in the past 6 minutes. What I found disheartening is that most of the "blogs" so mentioned were not just transparently commercial but commercials with nothing else. Of the blogs produced by "humans" most appear to be from the Movementarians.

Movementarians: (noun), American political cult of like minded, like thinking, like breathing robots. They have surendered their power of thought so that they can all agree all the time.

I looked at a couple of conservative blogs and then followed links from there to other conservative blogs. The random assortment of interlinked blogs had posts on the same topics du jour. What I found agreement in topic, wording and tone.

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