Wednesday, March 29, 2006

CSI vs The Sopranos

Different pieces of fiction like long running tv shows, are set in their own universes. Whenever different Star Trek crews go back in time they seem visit an alternatate world where Star Trek hasn't been on the air for 40 years. In CSI the forensic experts are able to unravel obscure clues. In The Sopranos our favourite lunkheads are able to get away with stupid murders. In the latest Sopranos (Mayham) a trio of Columbians are killed by Paulie and a associate who then proceed to loot the apartment. They leave their bloody fingerprints all over the crime scene. This is a problem that take CSI, even the stupid Miami version, no more than 10 minutes to solve. There 2 ways reality is bent in these different shows. CSI always has the resources, manpower and ability to nail the perps. The Sopranos seem to get away with murder, but the anti-mob authorities perfer to frame huge unassailable conspiracies against their targets rather then prosecute for petty crimes and misdemeanors.

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