Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Islamic Imperialism Explained

For most people the term Imperialism is used to describe the bad behavior of white people. Tranny and oppression of non-white people by other non-white people is not described as imperialism. Instead a country that fought to abolish slavery thoughtout the world is described as a "evil imperialist". And a country that has brought down a murderous tyrant is reviled.

Now Efraim Karsh has writen an explaination for the mindless agression of moslems to the world. Islam's Imperial Dreams explains how Muslim politacal ambitions aren't a reaction to Western encroachments. Of course as Armenian, like Yosuf Karsh, knows that islamic rule is not always sweetness and light.

1 comment:

Wolf K said...

I've just scanned your most recent blogs.

Interesting, as always.