Friday, February 29, 2008

Bathroom Humour and Birds

On Comics Curmudgeon there is much comment about this cartoon. Skullturf Q. Beavispants (real user name) chimes in with this tidbit of bathroom humour.

That Shoe reminds me of a joke.

Two friends are hanging out in the yard on a summer day.

Without warning, out of somewhere up in the sky, a bird takes a crap on one of them.

The poor, crapped-upon soul starts to complain and swear: “Of all the rotten luck…” and so forth.

Their friend immediately gets up and starts to head inside the house.

“Where are you going?” asks the bird-crap recipient.

“To get some toilet paper” is the reply.

“Oh, don’t bother, the bird’s probably really far away by now.

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