All these comments are made by evil spambots. Please damn them to hell. Below is sampling of recent crap ads on my blogs.
Anonymous said...
Problems With Splogs & Time-Based Searching
How the wheel turns. Back in the 1990s, portals gave away free home pages and with them came a huge amount of search engine spam.
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
A Letter to our Readers: Technorati, Forums and the Future of Spiegel Online
With the addition of new interative features, Spiegel Online plans to open up our site to greater feedback from our readers .
Just like so many Americans my friend loves the clubs and club music lyrics so he went ahead and built an awesome website about club music lyrics. When he's in high spirit he goes to the site and start reciting all his favorite club music lyrics. Says it's good for the heart. Guess what? I gave it a shot and it works great!
Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
Week on the Web
A CHINESE blogger's site has been shut down days after its nomination in the "freedom of expression" category of an international blogging contest.
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Anonymous said...
Creating and promoting your own Podcast
Posted on Wednesday, October 05 2005 @ 05:31:16 CEST by LSDsmurf The TechZone has posted a Step-by-Step Guide to Making and Promoting Your Own Podcast Think of it like an audio blog; a podcast is a recorded ...
Find out how you can buy and sell anything, like things related to music on interest free credit and pay back whenever you want! Exchange FREE ads on any topic, like music!